Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day & Taxi Jazz Trio

DAY & TAXI is a Swiss jazz trio whose music is an inventive and engaging balance between the seemingly abstract avant-garde (how long does avant-ness last, anyway?) and the necessities of swing and rhythmic impetus.

And they have the most enchanting cover model I have seen in years! ;-)

Most European jazz/improv performers get stuck with the „too cerebral/can‘t swing“ tag, but DAY & TAXI avoid this, while still maintaining their „Euro“ sound and tradition – as opposed to merely emulating what they perceive to be an „American“ sound.........and Ulrich‘s crisp playing maintain the the supple and elastic forward-motion of swing, even at the more abstract moments. It‘s this quality that separates DAY & TAXI from the many squeak-and-doodle outfits that couldn‘t swing if you spotted them a trapeze. D & T play appealing, challenging and accessible compositions and improvisations, a singular combination.

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