Monday, September 25, 2023

Canada Residential Schools Excavate their Magical Anomalies: Guess What They found Nothing.

 So we have been hearing for years now about the "anomalies". Finally the excavations have started - so far they are revealing. They are indeed prefect - not a single "anomaly led to a body.

Guess our first canadians have been making stuff up. Just like they have been for a hundred years or so now.

"Chief Derek Nepinak said he is aware the results will feed into a denialist narrative but urged people to continue supporting the search for truth"

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Western investigating women’s hockey program amid complaints against coaches

 Proving yet again why female athletes can't have nice things.

He hurt my feelings - she yelled at me - yes I am fat but I don't want ppl telling me I am fat.

Collegiate sports is an unforgiving environment - you want to play then you should be prepared to pay.

You want your daily affirmation - go take a womyn's study course where everyone gets an A+.

Po Yuk 'Peggy' Chan took out 2nd mortgages on victims' homes

 Diversity is our strength! lulz

Seriously - how long until Western first-world countries recognize that 3rd world immigrants see us as fresh pickings.

It can take millennia to build a culture of trust and just a few years to destroy a culture of trust.