Sunday, January 1, 2023

Is Josh Axe a Doctor - googled by so many

 No - he is not he is a back cracker who decided that his rudimentary understanding of human anatomy some-how qualified him to make pronouncements about nutrition.

How did we evolve from humoring these pseudo-doctors who claim to cure cancer via a back alignment to I am a "doctor" - so I can extend your life - minor detail - I have not a shred of empirical evidence to support my wild claims - but hey - buy my book - buy my supplements and all is good.

I always like Canada's approach: you claim to be an "Engineer" - you had better have an engineering degree and you had better be registered as a Professional Engineer with an actual licensing body.

War of Worlds Season 1 Episode 6 An Eye for an Eye - Let's Go Shopping for Party Favors

 So- I am desperately trying to remained engaged with this POS series.

We have arrived at the point where 99% of the world has been killed - there are killer dog-robots everywhere.... and two middle-aged moms decide it is time to go off shopping for party favors so one of the kiddos can have a 'proper' birthday party.

'This is the Way the World Ends: Not with a Bang but a Whimper' 'This is the way the world ends', T. S. Eliot tells us at the end of his 1925 poem, 'The Hollow Men': 'not with a bang but a whimper. ' 

Alas - I fear it ends with moronic white moms in athleisurewear making horrible life-decisions.

I was sufficiently disgruntled that I totally overlooked Daisy's totally irrational slut-turn in the middle of the world ending.