Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monochramatic Suits

T Trends | Monochramatic Suits

Sunday, February 13, 2011

DIY Ginger Beer

How to Make Your Own Home Carbonation System (for DIY Ginger Beer): "Ginger beer (makes one 18 oz bottle)
1 oz. fresh ginger juice (centrifugal juicer like a Juiceman works very well)
1.5 oz fresh lemon juice (if you use the centrifugal juicer you can add some peel for some zest. Go easy on the peel until you find the amount you like)
Scant 1/4 cup sugar
.5 oz honey
14 oz cold water"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why fleest thou throughe the worlde?

Whitney 178: "Coelum, non animum
To R. P.

Why fleest thou throughe the worlde? in hope to alter kinde:
No forren soile, hath anie force to change the inward minde.
Thou doste but alter aire, thou alterest not thy thoughte:
No distance farre can wipe awaye, what Nature first hath wroughte.
The foole, that farre is sente some wisedome to attaine:
Returnes an Ideot, as he wente, and bringes the foole againe.
Where rancor firste hathe roote, it growes, live where wee shall:
And where as malice is by kinde, no absence helpes at all.
The catte, in countries kepte, where are no myse for praye,
Yet, being broughte where they doe breede, her selfe shee doth bewraye.
The beastes of crewell kinde, where hate, by nature growes,
Thoughe parted longe, yet when they meete, become most deadlie foes,
Which prooves, no travaile farre, no coaste, nor countrie straunge:
Hathe anie force to alter kinde, or Natures worke to chaunge."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mustard Vinaigrette

Mustard Vinaigrette - Recipes for Health - "Mustard Vinaigrette"

The Anaximander Fragment

The Anaximander Fragment « Contaminations: "Heidegger translates it thus:
“But that from which things arise also gives rise to their passing away, according to what is necessary; for things render justice and pay penalty to one another for their injustice, according to the ordinance of time.”"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

male failing is hyperbolic skepticism

Althouse: 8,000+ words on Elizabeth Weil's marriage.: "Stanley Cavell writes somewhere (I have the feeling it's in 'Disowning Knowledge in Six Plays of Shakespeare' or its sequel) that the male failing is hyperbolic skepticism, a need for knowledge beyond the human conditions of knowing (which accounts for the obsession with philosophy), and the corresponding female failing is fanaticism, loving beyond the human conditions of loving (which accounts for soap opera)."